Dr. Shashi Tharoor Inaugurates ICSK’s Virtual Higher Education Fair 2021



The 3rd Virtual Higher Education Fair by the Indian Community School, Kuwait was inaugurated by Dr.Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament-Lok Sabha, Former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, Indian politician, Writer and Former International Diplomat on Friday, 5th February 2021 at 1.30 p.m.

Dr. Shashi Tharoor in his inaugural address applauded the initiatives taken by ICSK in helping students studying in various schools across Kuwait, the Middle East, India and around the world, enrich their information on the numerous courses, eligibilities and facilities offered by Universities and Colleges globally. He further affirmed that this Higher Education Fair would help them, select a good college or university where they could recognize, develop and sharpen their academic and professional skills.

The function was also graced by the presence of Guest of Honour and Career Guide Dr. T. P.Sethu Madhavan (Consultant to World Bank & Member of AEC Commission Switzerland). He too highly praised the commendable efforts put in by ICSK in helping the students secure a bright future by choosing the right career path. The students and parents will get the opportunity to interact with him in this exclusive programme.

Eminent dignitaries in the field of education Prof. R. D. Garg, IIT Roorkee and Mr. William Burns from Loughborough University offered felicitations and seconded Dr, Shashi Tharoor’s opinion that students need an informative platform in order to be enriched with information about the right career, courses, universities and colleges and congratulated the efforts taken by the Management of ICSK in fulfilling this.

The elite gathering was bid a hearty welcome by the Principal of ICSK Khaitan, Mr. Gangadhar Shirsath and Mrs. Susan Rajesh, Vice Principal –ICSK Senior and Mrs, Saritha. P. Nair, Academic Supervisor, Secondary-ICSK Senior, introduced the distinguished guests. Mr. Sheikh Abdul Rahman, the Hon. Chairman of ICSK Board of Trustees honoured the guests with digital tokens of appreciation. Mrs. Sherly Dennis, Principal of ICSK Junior rendered the vote of thanks.

The function was attended by a galaxy of luminaries including the Members of Board of Trustees of ICSK, the Principals of all Indian Schools in Kuwait, Vice Principals, students and parents who witnessed an array of programs which included the felicitation of the participating Universities and Colleges.

This exclusive programme which is organized virtually adhering to Covid protocol is enriched by the presence of more than 47 universities and colleges from different parts of the world. ICSK’s Higher Education Fair gives opportunity to not only around 20,000 students across Kuwait but also to the students around the globe, interested in knowing about the various courses offered by the renowned participating universities and colleges. Organized for two days-5th & 6th February 2021, the mega event is attracting visitors in large numbers. Even during the testing times of this global pandemic ICSK, under the able leadership of Dr.V.Binumon, Senior Administrator and Principal assisted by a most efficient team is successful in organizing its Virtual Higher Education Fair 2021 on a grand scale this year too.